Kalosmen Method Program
The Definitive Guide To Finally Stop Masturbating And Start Attracting Beautiful Women In Your Life
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It's pretty embarrassing... but it's the truth. I used to masturbate daily. I'd lock myself in my room and you know the rest. I never realized how much of an addiction I had until one day, I tried to stop masturbating... I couldn't. I felt so weak. I felt so powerless! Yet the next day, I was at it again. 'Addiction' may be a strong word, but I don't think it's strong enough, I mean I was truly addicted!
I was lonely, never really had a true 'friend'. I had online friends yes, we'd play cod:mw2 till the sun came up, and I loved it in the moment, and hated myself the next. Extremely shy... coming from a small cow town village in India, I could hardly say a word in English. I was teased for it, also being asian doesn't help much because they'd make asian jokes about your eyes, dick, and being short and so much more...
I just felt so confused, so fucking frustrated. I had such a strong desire for women, yet I was constantly rejected.
So I bought clothes, focused on the physical, thinking that it would help.
I did so much to try and fit in, because I never loved myself, I hated myself.
So I played games.
I watched over +10,000 plus hours of videos on Youtube of 'Game', 'Pickup', 'How to get girls', whatever you want to call it... and guess what? It worked. Yes. Playing games worked. Being manipulative worked. But I was NEVER ever able to sustain a relationship with a girl for more than 1 month. Frustration and confusion grew. So I escaped. I escaped into smoking weed, playing games online with 'friends', feeling alienated in the real world, masturbating daily to feel good, I escaped.
One morning I changed. I saw life differently. I saw women differently.
From then on, all I can say is beautiful women have made my life more meaningful.
Once you've been with a beautiful girl, your life changes. That kind of beauty makes you see for the first time. You've been a blind fool! Seeing hot girls with nice tits and ass and thinking thats true beauty.
My friend you're lost! So was I...
Whether you're clueless or know some things about women, this program takes you through every step of the way on how to become a Kalosmen. 'Kalos' is a Greek word that means beautiful, in the moral sense, noble, and virtuous. This is the definitive guide on how to finally stop masturbating and start attracting beautiful women in your life, the right way.
Join me, and become a Kalosmen.
Value Packed Video Modules
Giving you my crucial reference experiences that will reshape your reality.
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✔️ Weekly LIVE Q & A private webinars! Ask me anything LIVE and get in-depth answers ($4,997.00)
✔️ Become a part of Kalosmen Brotherhood, talk to like minded guys like you & get feedback from me personally. Hang out in Kalosmen Brotherhood Facebook and get help with your sticking points ($1,997.00)
✔️ Learn the 4 Secrets to become the lover of her dreams, find purpose in life, and keep her interested (Priceless)
✔️ Private 1 on 1 strategy session with me ($2,997.00)
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✔️ Your Price Today: $997
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Instant access to ALL the content FOR LIFE! And the content just keeps coming as Tenzin is constantly testing, learning, and sharing!
Your Instructor
Growing up short, not that physically attractive, introverted, not to mention an immigrant, foreigner to America. I literally couldn't speak a word in English because I came from a small cow town village in Dharamshala, India. I remember crying the first day I went to my Elementary School. Traumatized by the unknown language, people, culture, and place... Having to accept this unknown as 'Home'.
Years later, I stumbled across the 'Pickup' community on YouTube.
Watching countless hours of videos after videos...
Watching porn after porn...
I was an extremely shy and insecure gamer...
Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 & Read Dead Redemption till the morning light broke through...
and I loved nothing more than playing guitar.
One day however... I built enough courage to approach! To show up!
It changed my life forever.
This program and virtual mentorship is what I desperately craved, what I didn't have. Designed to help guys become a Kalosmen.
I love everything in this program! I truly wish I met someone who knew about this because guys that approach me are either too creepy or too nice. All I can say is, thank you Tenzin! Guys need this
- Zuzia M
The advice you give about approaching girls it has worked everytime. I just wanted to say thank you! You have impacted my life
- Adam Gordon
As a female, I truly believe in this program, I believe in the message, this is what guys need to hear! I mean everything in this program is spot on. Without a doubt, if you don't know these things, us women will reject you because all our lives, guys have approached us with a mask, seeking to play games, and so we have to protect ourselves
- Diana Lopes
I've watched a ton of Youtube videos and read books on girls, but truly nothing has helped me more than the Kalosmen Method Program. Tenzin doesn't beat around the bush, he gets straight to the point
- Demirel U
This program has helped me create real relationships, real intimacy, real love and affection. Ultimately helping me realize whats truly important and whats not. It's priceless in my opinion, definitely worth it
- Joed Carlo